beauty tips, fashion trends, and lifestyle blog - by 4Hime

Thursday, September 19, 2013

There's a saying that we should drink at least 8 cups of water a day in order to hydrate our body and skin. However, that's difficult for some of us because 1) we don't like drinking water and 2) we tend to forget. I fall in both categories. I don't like the taste of bland water. It reminds me of the tap water from restaurants although we filter our water at home. I used to have really dehydrated skin. You can tell because my face have occasional breakouts and my lips are dry! This was the consequence of my bad habit of not drinking enough water. My chapped lips and dry skin finally revived when I found an alternate to intake my much need H20. Here is a list of alternatives that I love when I'm tired of the good old water bottle.

1. Teas 

My mom is an avid tea drinker and she probably influenced me as well. I love the aroma of teas and I this is the only thing I can drink in my college days during finals week. Coffee is too strong for me and I always end up having a bad headache after consuming less than half of a cup. I can't express how thankful I am for Green Tea. The natural caffeine. Did I mention they also have natural antioxidant? I suggest buying the green tea leaves and steeped them on your teapot. It tastes way better than the tea bags, but if have to resort to the package tea bags I recommend Stash Tea and Yamamotoyama. On special occasions, I like making Flower Tea. They have a pretty presentation and they're beneficial for detoxing your body.

2. Cold Press Juice and Smoothies 

Green Juices are getting popular these days. It's suppose to help clear trouble skins such as acne and dehydration. I actually started the green juice remedy for about 4 months already and I have to see it gives your skin a healthy glow. Evolution and BluePrint are some of my favorites. However, they can be pricey especially BluePrint. Which is why I tend to blend my own smoothies. I like to consume the drink in the morning as breakfast, because it's light and it actually gives me energy to start the day. Plus, I get my servings of fruit and vegetables all at once.

3. Pure Coconut Water

This is probably one of my favorite during summer. It's super hydrating on those scorching hot days. I've only tried Vita Coco and their coconut water contain other ingredients such as potassium and mega-electrolyte . Once in a while I would carry a smaller bag and this would be a perfect. Hence, I like the size and packaging of this brand.

Those are my top three. Generally, dry skin ladies should avoid alcohol and caffeine because it causes dehydration. If you can limit it to one cup a day that would be helpful for your skin. Lastly, beauty starts from the inside, so don't neglect water! You'll be surprised what a difference it can make to your health in general.

Feel free to comment below and share your favorite water alternatives!

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