beauty tips, fashion trends, and lifestyle blog - by 4Hime

Monday, September 16, 2013

Beauty starts with smooth, healthy, glowing skin

It is important to recognize the type of skin we have and make decisions about the right skincare products. Many people skip this step and purchase products that their friends have and hope for the same effect. The truth is everyone is different and there’s no exception for our skin. One person might have amazing results and the other person might not.

We organized a chart to help you better analyze your skin.


  • Comfortable-feeling
  • Smooth, even texture small pores
  • Cheeks are the driest area, but not excessively so
  • May experience some shine and larger pores on the forehead, nose or chin
  • Water and oil content is balanced


  • Feels tight after washing
  • May look dry or flaky
  • Dehydrated
  • May be sensitive
  • Shows fine lines faster than other skin types


  • Oily t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin); due to overactive sebaceous or oil producing glands
  • May have large, visible pores
  • More prone to acne


  • Can range from dry to oily
  • Easily irritated by cosmetics, moisturizers, and cleansers
  • Sensitive and prone to redness
  • Itchy or blotchy

No matter what your skin condition is we all need to have a good moisturizer to protect and nourish our skin. Below is our recommendation for care and moisturizers based on your skin type.
Normal/Combination: Skins needs routine cleansing with a foaming cleanser, exfoliation twice a week, moisturization with lightweight lotions. We recommend Dr. Jart | Most Aqua Water Cube Cream.

Dry: Skin requires special care. Use richer cleansers, limiting sun exposure, and using a good moisturizer can protect your skin's natural oils. Begin with essence or serum and layer a richer cream over that. Night creams with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) help remove the dry, dead skin while moisturizing the new. We recommend Dr. Jart | Most White True White Cream.

Oily: Skin needs to be maintain to prevent breakouts. Cleanse skin at least twice a day to prevent dirt accumulation. Use alcohol-free astringent to remove excess oil. Use oil-free moisturizers to keep the skin from overdrying. we recommend Dr. Jart | Most Moist Water Sure Gel.

Sensitive: Skin requires mild, nonperfumed cleansing products. Use an alcohol-free toner and moisturizer formulated for sensitive skin. We recommend Dr. Jart Most Moist Water-Max Sleeping Mask

Sources: Brown, Bobby. (2008). Bobby Brown Makeup Manuel. New York: Springboard Press.

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